Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Derby's Past Leads To Asbestos Compensation Claims

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that occurs when someone is constantly exposed too, and breathes in, asbestos. Commonly it occurs in the lining of the lungs and the mesothelium, which is a membrane covering many of the major internal organs. As mesothelioma results from working closely with asbestos, it is obviously most common in specific jobs and work places. As these work places are usually to be found in particular regions of the country, these cases are often very location-specific and can form what are referred to as "Cancer clusters". This means that certain areas of the country are seeing more cases of mesothelioma. Derbyshire is one of these areas, as can clearly be seen in articles released in the press.

Derbyshire is known for its history of heavy engineering and as a consequence of this, its use of asbestos. Although asbestos was only used on a major scale up until the 1970’s, cases of asbestos poisoning are still appearing on a regular basis and the number of claims is rising. The main reason for this is that asbestos scaring to the lungs can take up to 40 years to become apparent. Unfortunately by the time that symptoms present themselves, the disease is already in an advanced stage. Over the past 30 years there have been over 300 asbestos-related mesothelioma deaths in Derbyshire. It is believed that the number of fatalities attributed to mesothelioma will rise dramatically in the next 5 to 10 years.

To compound the issue, there has recently been a change in regulations meaning that companies no longer have to keep liability insurance records for longer than 40 years. As the disease doesn’t manifest itself until after 40 years, this is disastrous news and a tragedy waiting to happen. It means that many people may die of mesothelioma without receiving the compensation that they deserve. MPs are being urged by campaigners to sign a petition to reverse these changes in regulations.

Philip Moult of Littleover died from mesothelioma in 1999. Unfortunately he didn’t receive any compensation himself or for his family. Mr Moult’s solicitors were unable to track down the insurers of the company that employed Mr Moult. This was solely because of the change in regulatory law governing the retaining of liability insurance records. It is being argued that a central database with compulsory details of insurers should be kept, so claims can be backed up. Not only would this database contain data going back over 40 years but would also contain information related to employers that have stopped trading. Although there is a voluntary code in force from The Association of British Insurers stating that insurance details should be kept for 60 years, it is believed that many companies do not follow it. A database would make it easier to access records covering longer periods.

It you have mesothelioma then you are fully within your rights to make a claim. It is vital that you contact a specialist solicitor who will be aware of the intricacies of such a case. A specialist lawyer will understand the law surrounding such claims and any past case that may have a bearing on your claim. As it is such a specialist area, and as cases of mesothelioma are location-specific (such as in the case of Derbyshire) it may be worth approaching an organisation such as the Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team.

Ten tips for good health

Start your day with breakfast.
First thing in the day begins with the Breakfast fills your "empty tank" to get you going after a long night without food. And it can help you do better in any place. Easy to prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, and some fruit etc.
Get Moving!
It's easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, bike or jog to see friends. Take a 10-minute activity break every hour while you read, do homework or watch TV. Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator. Try to do these things for a total of 30 minutes every day. Then you will be a healthy person.
Snack Smart.
Snacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from different food groups a glass of low-fat milk and a few graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal. If you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips and candy are OK for occasional snacking.
Work up a sweat.
Vigorous work-outs when you're breathing hard and sweating help your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel your best. Start with a warm-up that stretches your muscles. Include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running, jogging or dancing. Follow-up some activities that help make you stronger such as push-ups or lifting weights. Then cool-down with more stretching and deep breathing.
Balance your food choices don't eat too much of one thing.
You don't have to give up foods like hamburgers, French fries and ice cream to eat healthfully. You just have to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat. Your body needs nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and A, iron and calcium from a variety of foods.

Get fit with friends or family.
Being active is much more fun with friends or family. Encourage others to join you and plan one special physical activity event, like a bike ride or hiking, with a group each week.
Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables.
These foods give you carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins, minerals and fiber. Besides, they taste good! Try breads such as whole-wheat, bagels and pita. Spaghetti and oatmeal are also in the grain group Banana, strawberries and water melons are some great tasting fruits. Try vegetables raw, on a sandwich or in a salad.
Join in physical activities at school.
Whether you take a physical education class or do other physical activities at school, such as intramural sports, structured activities are a sure way to feel good, look good and stay physically fit.
Foods aren't good or bad.
A healthy eating style is like a puzzle with many parts. Each food is different. Some foods may have more fat, sugar or salt while others may have more vitamins or fiber. There is a place for all these foods. What makes a diet good or bad is how foods fit together. Balancing your choices is important. Fit in a higher-fat food, like pepperoni pizza, at dinner by choosing lower-fat foods at other meals. And don't forget about moderation. If two pieces of pizza fill you up, don't eat a third.
Make healthy eating and physical activities fun!
Take advantage of physical activities you and your friends enjoy doing together and eat the foods you like. Be adventurous try new sports, games and other activities as well as new foods. You'll grow stronger, play longer, and look and feel better! Set realistic goals don't try changing too much at once.

100 High PR RSS submission sites

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$100 a day Adsense Plan

Adsense is the first step for Internet newbie when they are start learning to make money online. Adsense is one of the easiest way to generate a decent amount of money at start. There are people who are earning thousands per day with just adsense. But they have spent time and got very good experience and tricks in this time to earn this amount each day. Here is a basic starter plan for you to earn $100 per day with adsense by using mini adsense content rich sites. Target is to take each site $5 per day income.
Choose some keywords and domains

First step is to get some of the best paying keywords and the ones you can write on. Just google for best AdSense paying keywords to get a list or alternatively you can go to https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal Google’s keyword tool. Write any keyword e.g finance, computer, technology, web design, php, adsense, internet marketing, affiliate marketing or anything of your choice. Just make sure you are going to that topic for your first website to which you can write some interesting words.

Google Keyword tool will give you a list of top competitions on your keyword query. You can display/hide columns to view highest bid on every keyword and estimated number of search traffic. Pick a few from top of the list and start search for domains related to these keywords. Domain does not need to be related but if your keyword is also in your domain, it will be helpful in term of SEO.

Register your first few domains.
Get some web hosting account

You can try hostgator web hosting plan or any other which supports multiple domain hosting at same account. You can try coupons to reduce the initial cost for your hosting plans.
Setup a Website or Web blog

Now setup your first website. If you are going for a weblog then best idea is to upload and install wordpress. Wordpress is best in means of SEO. Write few articles (7 to 10 articles) on website.
Start SEO for your website

Submit your website in search engines like google, yahoo and msn. Use the link of your website in signature of any of web forum if you use. Forums are fastest and free way to get backlinks to your website. More posts on a forum site you have, more backlinks you can get. Then submit your website in social news, networking sites like digg, del.icious, reddit, blinklist. And submit your website to a couple of free web directories. Keep a record of everything you are doing. In two or three days your website will be indexed in google and you’ll be start getting traffic from google. Now build as many links as you can but don’t spam too much.
Signup for Adsense (Or use if you already signed up)

Signup for adsense and wait for their approval. Once you got your account, create and place ads in your website. Use Ads blending and Adsense placement methods to embed the ads properly to generate more clicks by your visitors.
Final Step

Do as much SEO as you can. Build links, get more RSS subscribers, publish your site to social networking sites. Sooner you’ll be get your target for $5 per day
Multiply your income

Now repeat the above steps for another 20 websites. It’ll took some time but you can easily achieve $100 per day target with mini adsense sites. Just make sure you follow this rule

$ 100 sehari Adsense Rencana

Adsense adalah langkah pertama untuk Internet newbie ketika mereka mulai belajar untuk membuat uang secara online. Adsense adalah salah satu cara termudah untuk menghasilkan decent jumlah uang di mulai. Ada orang yang mendapatkan penghasilan ribuan per hari hanya dengan adsense. Tetapi mereka telah menghabiskan waktu dan mendapat pengalaman yang sangat bagus dan trik saat ini untuk memperoleh jumlah ini setiap harinya. Berikut ini adalah rencana awal dasar bagi Anda untuk mendapatkan $ 100 per hari dengan menggunakan mini adsense adsense kaya konten situs. Target adalah untuk mengambil setiap situs $ 5 per hari pendapatan.
Pilih beberapa kata kunci dan domain

Langkah pertama adalah untuk mendapatkan beberapa yang terbaik dan membayar kata kunci yang anda dapat menulis di. Just google AdSense terbaik untuk membayar kata kunci untuk mendapatkan daftar atau kalau Anda bisa pergi ke https: / / adwords.google.com / select / KeywordToolExternal alat kata kunci dari Google. Menulis kata kunci misalnya keuangan, komputer, teknologi, web design, php, adsense, internet marketing, afiliasi pemasaran atau apapun pilihan Anda. Pastikan Anda akan topik yang untuk pertama Anda ke situs web yang dapat Anda menulis kata-kata yang menarik.

Google Keyword alat akan memberikan daftar dari kompetisi di atas permintaan kata kunci. Anda dapat menampilkan / menyembunyikan kolom untuk melihat tawaran tertinggi pada setiap kata kunci dan perkiraan jumlah lalu lintas pencarian. Pilih dari beberapa atas daftar dan mulai mencari domain yang berkaitan dengan kata kunci tersebut. Domain tidak harus terkait tetapi jika kata kunci Anda juga dalam domain Anda, maka akan membantu dalam hal SEO.

Anda mendaftar terlebih dahulu beberapa domain.
Get some web hosting account

Anda dapat mencoba hostgator web hosting rencana atau lainnya yang mendukung multi domain hosting di account sama. Anda dapat mencoba kupon untuk mengurangi biaya awal untuk rencana hosting Anda.
Setup sebuah situs Web atau blog

Sekarang setup pertama situs web Anda. Jika anda terjadi untuk weblog maka ide yang terbaik untuk meng-upload dan install wordpress. Wordpress adalah cara terbaik dalam SEO. Menulis beberapa artikel (7 sampai 10 artikel) di website.
Mulai SEO untuk website Anda

Submit website anda di mesin pencari seperti google, yahoo dan msn. Gunakan link di situs Web Anda tanda tangan dari salah satu web forum jika anda gunakan. Forum yang tercepat dan gratis untuk mendapatkan link balik ke website Anda. Lagi posting di forum situs yang ada, lebih anda bisa mendapatkan link balik. Kemudian di website Anda kirimkan berita sosial, situs jaringan seperti digg, del.icious, reddit, blinklist. Website Anda dan kirimkan ke beberapa web gratis direktori. Menyimpan catatan dari semua yang anda lakukan. Dalam dua atau tiga hari website anda akan terindeks di google dan Anda akan mendapatkan lalu lintas mulai dari google. Sekarang membangun sebanyak mungkin link yang anda dapat tetapi tidak terlalu banyak spam.
Pendaftaran untuk Adsense (Atau gunakan jika anda sudah mendaftar)

Pendaftaran untuk adsense dan menunggu persetujuan mereka. Setelah Anda mendapat account, membuat dan menempatkan iklan di situs Web Anda. Kemarin campuran dan menggunakan Adsense untuk menanamkan metode penempatan iklan yang tepat untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak klik oleh pengunjung.
Langkah terakhir

Apakah SEO sebanyak mungkin. Membangun link, mendapatkan lebih banyak pelanggan RSS, mempublikasikan situs Anda ke situs-situs jaringan sosial. Cepat Anda akan mendapatkan target Anda untuk $ 5 per hari
Banyak pendapatan

Sekarang ulangi langkah-langkah di atas untuk 20 website lain. Ia akan mengambil beberapa waktu, namun Anda dapat dengan mudah mencapai $ 100 per hari dengan target mini situs adsense. Pastikan Anda mengikuti aturan ini

$100 a day Adsense Plan

Adsense is the first step for Internet newbie when they are start learning to make money online. Adsense is one of the easiest way to generate a decent amount of money at start. There are people who are earning thousands per day with just adsense. But they have spent time and got very good experience and tricks in this time to earn this amount each day. Here is a basic starter plan for you to earn $100 per day with adsense by using mini adsense content rich sites. Target is to take each site $5 per day income.

Choose some keywords and domains

First step is to get some of the best paying keywords and the ones you can write on. Just google for best AdSense paying keywords to get a list or alternatively you can go to https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal Google’s keyword tool. Write any keyword e.g finance, computer, technology, web design, php, adsense, internet marketing, affiliate marketing or anything of your choice. Just make sure you are going to that topic for your first website to which you can write some interesting words.

Google Keyword tool will give you a list of top competitions on your keyword query. You can display/hide columns to view highest bid on every keyword and estimated number of search traffic. Pick a few from top of the list and start search for domains related to these keywords. Domain does not need to be related but if your keyword is also in your domain, it will be helpful in term of SEO.

Register your first few domains.

Get some web hosting account

You can try hostgator web hosting plan or any other which supports multiple domain hosting at same account. You can try coupons to reduce the initial cost for your hosting plans.

Setup a Website or Web blog

Now setup your first website. If you are going for a weblog then best idea is to upload and install wordpress. Wordpress is best in means of SEO. Write few articles (7 to 10 articles) on website.

Start SEO for your website

Submit your website in search engines like google, yahoo and msn. Use the link of your website in signature of any of web forum if you use. Forums are fastest and free way to get backlinks to your website. More posts on a forum site you have, more backlinks you can get. Then submit your website in social news, networking sites like digg, del.icious, reddit, blinklist. And submit your website to a couple of free web directories. Keep a record of everything you are doing. In two or three days your website will be indexed in google and you’ll be start getting traffic from google. Now build as many links as you can but don’t spam too much.

Signup for Adsense (Or use if you already signed up)

Signup for adsense and wait for their approval. Once you got your account, create and place ads in your website. Use Ads blending and Adsense placement methods to embed the ads properly to generate more clicks by your visitors.

Final Step

Do as much SEO as you can. Build links, get more RSS subscribers, publish your site to social networking sites. Sooner you’ll be get your target for $5 per day

Multiply your income

Now repeat the above steps for another 20 websites. It’ll took some time but you can easily achieve $100 per day target with mini adsense sites. Just make sure you follow this rule

10 ways to get BackLinks for your Website

Today website building is the new source of online revenue. For your website to be a successful e-business your website should have good content and be appealing to the users. However, for your website to get traffic the most important thing is the amount of backlinks your website has.

Backlinks are links for your website found on other websites. Even Search engines consider the no. of backlinks on a website as an indicator of the popularity of the website.

So how to acquire back links for your website?
Here are some ways for your website to get some exposure through Backlinks.

1. Initially as your investment would be low, you could register sites with free directories take care they are SEO friendly like www.directorymaximizer.com or www.directory.askbee.net. There are paid directories too for this purpose where you could register your sites like yahoo, alive.com etc.
2. You could post your website links in forums having content related to your website. Some forums do not allow posting of links, here you could register yourself and post your link in the signature area.
3. You could submit articles related to contents of your websites and give your link in the article itself. It is a good way for getting back links for your website.
4. Yahoo Answers can give you a great window for posting your links. You can answer questions at Yahoo answers and for further reference give the address of your site.
5. Get in touch with webmaster of a popular site and ask him for a link to your website. There may be some charges involved.
6. Some blog sites have features like “leave a comment” or “Add Comment”, go to such blog sites related to your website’s content and leaving a link for your website can add traffic for your website.
7. If possible, make a freeware game, utility software or a face book application with your website link and put it on the internet.
8. Start a thread on a popular forum related to your website content and add your link on the thread.
9. Make some good website or blog site template or theme (Wordpress, Blogger etc.) With your website name at the footer, publish it on the internet free.
10. The last thing you could do is to buy traffic for your website. Many websites like pay-per-post offer you such services, which can increase traffic to your website.

7 Small business Ideas to grow your daily income

Starting a small business is not an easy step for a person who never knows how to make money on Internet. But there are many ways you can choose and start earning the right and straight way. All you need is the patience and time. Because every successful earner on Internet never earned at beginning. People fed up too quickly when they never see any earning coming out from their websites or business. Here are some quick ideas you can choose and start your small business to grow up your daily income.

  1. Earn though AdSense

    Start a website. Choose any topic you are interested most and can write with relax. For example if you can write on fitness, go and start a fitness advice website. Populate your website with useful content daily. Submit it into different search engines and directories to get few link backs. Remember, take care of your visitors and never thought about any money at least during the first month. Then go and sign up for google AdSense and embed AdSense ads in your website. Try harder, promote it and you’ll be getting $$ in your AdSense account.
    Now start another website and double your income. Do it again and again. It needs time but it is the simplest method you can try.

  2. Earn with Affiliate Marketing

    Getting income from affiliate marketing is another quick way to go. Start promoting other people’s products though any affiliate network like Commission Junction, LinkShare, NeverBlueAds etc. Use generic website and SEO traffic to sell products or use PPC(pay per click) advertisement networks like adwords, YPN (Yahoo Publisher Network) and MSN adcenter. PPC is the quickest way to go.

  3. Start website Flipping

    Website flipping is an old but still successful idea to earn huge profits. Buy some new and old (expired) domains and put related contents on them. Build as many links as you can. Generate some traffic and page rank and then Sell it. You can get a good amount of profit from every website you flipped out.

  4. Start Blogging

    Blogging is the most successful and easy idea to get income daily. You can blog on anything. Just choose a favorite topic of yours, buy a domain, a hosting account, install wordpress and start blogging. Promote your blog and build as many commentator’s community as you can. I personally started a blog few days ago and i am getting daily 30 to 40 hits from google within just 2 days. All was because of good and quality content. You can then use different advertisement networks or sell advertisement space to different bigger companies or blog owners. You can earn up to $2000 per blog per week easily if you work harder.

  5. Work as a Freelance

    Everyone have some kind of special skill. For example, I am an excellent php developer and I know i have done so many things in php that no-body was able to do. I use my php skills to earn a lot of profit from freelance sites like eLance, rentacoder etc. You can also do the same. It does not matter if you don’t know php. If you are good designer, have good English and can write articles, a good system administrator or any skill. You can still use your skills to work as a Freelance.

  6. Develop your own Products

    If you are a good brain stormer , think and create some unique product that no-body have done before and hire some developer/designers to build that product. Launch it . Believe me nothing but this idea is one of the best and long tail earning way.

  7. Write E-Books and promote them

    There are people who earned thousands every week by selling their ebooks. E-book is a very successful business these days. You can write on any topic, like Internet Marketing, health & fitness, beauty etc. Write the ebook yourself or get some ghost content writer to do so. Writing an e-book is not harder. I have written my first e-book in just 4 days on (Wordpress).

I hope you may have enjoyed by reading these ideas. These are very simple and basic ideas even for newbies. If you like this article, please share it with your friends, digg it and leave your comments. You can subscribe to my RSS feed or join my mailing list to get updated with more helpful articles.

Adsense Tips and Tricks

Tips for click thru rate (CTR)

* Rule #1: Blend Adsense ads into your writings.
* Sometimes, going against rule # helps, try to make the ads stand out from the rest sometimes work. (it really depends)
* Visitors generally view website from top left to bottom left of the screen, try put ads into that zone.
* Test with different colors in background, title, and borders. there was once change of background colors help me to increase my revenue for 50%.
* Dont overpush your visitors with too much ads, it might work worse and push your visitors to close the window instead.
* Placing image at the side of adsense helps … however this might be performed carefully as it might goes against adsense policy. make sure you dont go against the rules to avoid bans.
* Generally a 336 x 286 Large square ads works the best for me in term of CTR ..this is however, very very particular experience and it might not work the same on your websites.

Tips for earning per clicks (EPC)

If you ever feel that your ads clicks are undervalued, it probably is! Make sure there is no junk advertisers advertising on your website. ban them, chase them away from your Google Adsense block list so that it wont appears again at your site. what you want is SERIOUS advertisers that are willing to pay for good money in the trade of your traffics - not some other stupid MFA junk sites. Google Adsense Preview Tool comes very handy when you need to identify those MFA sites.

Another issues with EPC is that is your site content in the high-demand sectors? get a niche content to start up in your website but not too niche until there’s no related advertisers on your websites. i once knew a webmaster that had hard time getting his ads showed as his website is all about poems. if you are starting up your adsense website now, you better do something that relates to expensive keyterms.

Tips for ads impressions

Increasing ads impressions sometimes simply means increasing the website traffics. while there are lots of ways to generate more traffics for your website, i will put on some basics here:

* Rule #1: Do proper SEO, make sure you follow the basics and do not fool around with the title tags, anchor text, and remember to build up your site link popularity always.
* Get active in forums that related to your industry, speak politely, give helps, and refer your own websites to the others whenever appropriates.
* Utilise digg, deli.cio.us, reddit, technorati… engines to bring in more traffics.
* Word of mouth strategy, have your friends and family to help up in promoting your websites.
* Offline advertisement - radio ads, tv ads (if you got loads of cash), local classifies ..use them whenever its appropriate.
* Write and submit articles to article directories.
* Get your site to be more sticky, toolbar, softwares, newsletter, etc etc…make sure you can have as much return traffics as you can.

Top 10 AdSense Tricks To Boost Your Commission

Google AdSense is fast becoming the preferred way for people to earn an income online. Forget eBay and multiple affiliate programs - Whether you are a work-at-home mom trying to make a little extra cash or an Internet entrepreneur with hundreds of monetized websites, AdSense is truly the easiest way to earn money.

Simply sign up for a free account, grab your ad code and paste it in your site. But here's the amazing thing - no matter how much money AdSense is making for you right now, a few simple tweaks can increase that amount considerably. And I should know, after learning about these tricks, I more than doubled my AdSense commissions!

The self-proclaimed AdSense gurus and experts are sharing this insider knowledge, for a fee. You can learn all these secrets from them, as long as you buy their e-book, sign up for their seminar or purchase their newsletter. But I'm going to share all their AdSense tricks for free. Here they are:

1) Color code your ads to match your web site palette *exactly*. Don't use frames around your ads. Instead, in the AdSense code generation interface, make sure you choose the same color as your page background for the ad frame and the ad background.

When choosing the ad heading colors, match them to the *exact* color of your page headings. Use the exact same ad background shade as your page background. Use the exact same ad text font and color as the text on your pages. You can see an example of this color-matching on my search engine advice blog notice the 4 link ad unit and skyscraper text ad unit on the left hand side under the headings Ads by Google as you scroll down the page? The link and text colors are identical to the color palette used throughout the rest of the page.

Near enough is NOT good enough. If you can't quite get the color matching right, use Google's built in color palette together with the RGB to HEX or vice versa color converter on this page. That handy little tool was a life saver for me.

This is probably the one single tweak that made the most difference to my commission levels.

2) Try not to use the traditional horizontal banner style or leaderboard image ads because people are blind to them.

3) Use Google's own AdSense optimization tips and visual heat map to assist you in deciding where on your page to place your AdSense ad code.

4) Research competitive keywords using a keyword research tool such as Keyword Discovery or grab a list of the most popular keywords from various sources and use them in your web site pages where relevant. This article is a good source of frequently searched keywords. Targeting popular keywords should trigger AdSense ads on your pages that utilize those keywords. The more popular the keyword or phrase, the higher AdWords advertisers are generally willing to pay per click for it so the higher your commission on those clicks.

5) Incorporate the AdSense code into your page so that the ads look like a regular part of your site. You can see an example of this on the Internet Dating Stories site where link ads are incorporated within the regular left hand navigation of the site under the heading "Feature Links".

6) Use Google's new 4 and 5 link ad units wherever possible. They seem to have a much higher Click Through Rate (CTR) than regular ad styles. You can view all the AdSense ad formats here.

7) Place arrows or images next to your ads to draw attention to them. You can see two different versions of on this search engine article library page at the top (where a pointing hand directs your eye to the ad) and the bottom where 3 images draw your attention to each of the three AdSense ads.

8) Use the full allowance of multiple AdSense ads on each of your pages - 3 regular AdSense ads, plus 1 link unit. Use careful placement of these ads so they blend into your site and don't distract from your content. Clever use of this allowance can be seen on this page about bad Internet dating stories where you see:

- 1 horizontal 4 link ad unit towards the top of the page under the first paragraph
- 1 vertical skyscraper text ad unit about halfway down the left hand side under "Sponsor Links"
- 1 vertical skyscraper image ad unit down the left hand side under "Sponsor Links"
- 1 horizontal text banner unit at the bottom of the page with images above each ad to draw attention to them.

You can also include 1 AdSense referral button in addition to the 3 other units.

9) Tailor your page content to a particular niche or focus. Page content that is tailored towards a specific theme is more likely to trigger AdWords ads that closely match the content and are therefore more likely to interest your visitors and inspire them to click. Don't create pages merely for the sake of placing AdSense ads. Visitors (and search engines) can see through this ruse in an instant.

10) Use custom Ad Channels for each of your ad placements, for example, "Top 5 Link Unit Blue Palette" or "Left Side Navigation Image Skyscraper" etc. Tweak, track and measure the success of each of these custom channels so you know what gives you the highest CTR. Some ad formats and colors will work better than others, but you won't know which until you test, test and test some more!

banned adsense

berbagai blog tidak tampil iklan karena tidak mematuhi aturan google, bukan account adsense dari google yang di non-aktifkan banyak dari situs pribadi saya tidak muncul iklannya karena tidak memakai bahasa inggris, kalau anda ingin mempunyai situs adsense yang selalu tampil iklan, maka buat situs yang memakai bahasa inggris.

situs anda jika memakai bahasa inggris paling tidak 50 posting untuk amannya suatu situs yang tentu saja selalu aktif tampilan iklan adsense anda, walaupun situs anda berupa jelek harus berbahasa inggris pasti akan tampil iklannya.

jika situs anda melanggar adsense pasti akan dapat sanksi, bukannya account adsense yang melanggar, jika anda membuat situs lain, kemudian mengambil code adsense anda tentu bisa tampil, karena yang melanggar bukan account dari situs anda, tetapi situs anda.

mengenai informasi lebih lanjut bisa lihat berbagai situs yang yang tampil iklan atau tidaknya melihat situs-situs dibawah ini :

koleksi situs

komunitas blog indonesia

adsense iklan indonesia

jurgen habermas

collection of knowledge

opini masyarakat

blog islamic

tukar klik iklan blog

blog google earth

koleksi tulisan

filsafat barat

komunitas tukar klik iklan

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